Det är rätt tyst om skolan från politiskt håll just nu. Ganska märkligt med tanke på de stora besparingar skolan hela landet hotas av. Då känns det inte så litet trösterikt att höra Obamas engagemang från andra sidan Atlanten. Hoppas det sprider sig.
I sitt tal hos NAACP uppehöll han sig mycket runt skolan:
”It's because there is no stronger weapon against inequality and no better path to opportunity than an education that can unlock a child's God-given potential. --- No one has written your destiny for you. Your destiny is in your hands, you cannot forget that. That's what we have to teach all of our children. No excuses. No excuses.”
...till eleverna riktade han: "You get that education, all those hardships will just make you stronger, better able to compete. Yes we can."
...och till föräldrarna: "we can't tell our kids to do well in school and then fail to support them when they get home. You can't just contract out parenting. For our kids to excel, we have to accept our responsibility to help them learn. That means putting away the Xbox, putting our kids to bed at a reasonable hour. It means attending those parent-teacher conferences and reading to our children and helping them with their homework."
Skolan ÄR viktig. Det handlar om både barnens individuella men också samhällets framtid. Jag är övertygad om att vi kan.
”It's because there is no stronger weapon against inequality and no better path to opportunity than an education that can unlock a child's God-given potential. --- No one has written your destiny for you. Your destiny is in your hands, you cannot forget that. That's what we have to teach all of our children. No excuses. No excuses.”
...till eleverna riktade han: "You get that education, all those hardships will just make you stronger, better able to compete. Yes we can."
...och till föräldrarna: "we can't tell our kids to do well in school and then fail to support them when they get home. You can't just contract out parenting. For our kids to excel, we have to accept our responsibility to help them learn. That means putting away the Xbox, putting our kids to bed at a reasonable hour. It means attending those parent-teacher conferences and reading to our children and helping them with their homework."
Skolan ÄR viktig. Det handlar om både barnens individuella men också samhällets framtid. Jag är övertygad om att vi kan.
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